About the product:
-Has 4 ultra bright LED's
-Full 360 degree emitting light
-Easy to carry (Robust handle)
-Portable at less than half a pound in weight
-Store away or carry many only 6 inches high
-Easy to power, uses only 3 x AA batteries
-Easy to use with a single dial to switch on and control brightness
Can be used for camping, hiking, fishing, emergency, indoor additional lighting, vehicle lighting and child's lighting (reading, fun).
I love the packaging of this product! The handle makes it easier to carry, or hang onto something. The nice dark green color gives a really nice outdoorsy feel to it and it looks good anywhere. I love the fact that its so small so you don't have to lug around a huge lantern. You can easily store it.
My thoughts:
I love the fact that this little lantern can light up an entire room when its turned to its full brightness. You can also turn it down if you want it to be dimmed. Just the fact alone that you can choose the brightness, makes this product really neat. I also love the handle on it because I was able to hang it on a tree instead of it being on the floor which gives you less light. The led gives a really bright glow which is another thing I enjoy so much about this product. You do have to change the batteries once it runs low, but because it lasts so long I still havnt needed to change them. And I'm talking hours and hours after use.
Overall I think this is a great product. You can use it for multiple things, like camping, a home emergency or just when you're reading your children a bed time story. The size makes it easy to carry and store. The LED light gives you full brightness that will light up your entire area. I highly recommend this product to anyone who is planning a camping or fishing trip. Or just people in general as you might be surprised at how well it comes in handy. (:
If you're interested, you can checkout or purchase this product right from amazon. Just follow this link http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00QMFE8PA?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00
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